...über das Warum🌿 BEGINNE.DEIN.LEBEN
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Die große Frage nach dem Warum -

Ich bin dem Tod förmlich von der Schippe gesprungen.*

Ich weiß daher, wie schnell sich ein Leben von einem Moment zum anderen verändern kann.

Daher möchte jedem Menschen zurufen:

"Hej! Mach das Beste aus Deinem Leben und verschwende nicht Deine Lebenszeit!"

* lies hier meinen Bericht über die fehlerhafte Behandlung



BEGINNE.DEIN.LEBEN is my small and fine training college for people who are experiencing or had to experience life crises die regardless  still have dreams in life and who prefer to do something to get closer to their goals than to talk big.

I believe,

that values and empathycome first

that you are good to yourself, to his fellow human beings and his environment should be - and

that every new dayagain requires a great deal of courage.

that every step is worth itto be seated!

Mein Fokus liegt darauf, Frauen dabei zu unterstützen, ein sicheres und glücklicheres Leben zu gestalten, indem ich mein Wissen an sie weitergebe. Ich biete Kurse und meine Female Mentoring-Membership an, die Frauen dabei helfen, ihre Sicherheit zu verbessern, ihre seelische Gesundheit zu fördern und persönliche Entwicklung zu ermöglichen. Mein  Ziel ist es, Frauen zu ermächtigen, ihre Lebensqualität zu steigern und ein erfülltes Leben zu führen, das ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen und Zielen entspricht. 

These are my personal themes:
  • i am scannerie I have a wide variety of interests, knowledge and skills. My problem with this is that I constantly overtax myself - and am constantly accompanied by the feeling of inadequacy.
  • At the same time I am highly sensitive; I have been more sensitive to all kinds of external stimuli since my earliest childhood. I've heard "don't be so sensitive" countless times. Today I know that my feelings are more pronounced - and that's OK.
  • I am a victim of emotional violence in a partnershipbecome. I sometimes wonder if it would have been better if he had struck once. Then maybe I would have woken up. But maybe that's just wishful thinking. Anyone who is a victim in a partnership usually blames themselves. And I searched for her so intensely that at some point I wasn't myself anymore.
Today, depression is my constant companion, and due to the wrong treatment in the hospital, I have post-traumatic stress syndrome, short bowel syndrome, an abdominal adhesion, nerve pain and tinnitus.

But I live!The crises and strokes of fate have made me strong!

My goal is to help you and other people
to make it just as strong.

Hier sind einige kurze Blogartikel zu bestimmten Krankheiten und medizinischen Begriffe:

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Ich habe über Wege nachgedacht, wie ich Frauen in den verschiedensten Lebenslagen helfen kann, ihre innere Stärke aufzubauen, nach den Sternen zu greifen und ihre Träume zum Leben zu erwecken.

Herausgekommen ist
meine Female Mentoring-Membership 

Probiere die Membership aus und empfehle sie anderen. 
Du wirst staunen, was wir gemeinsam erreichen können.


"Was sind die Träume in Deinem Leben"

These are my personal themes:
  • i am scannerie I have a wide variety of interests, knowledge and skills. My problem with this is that I constantly overtax myself - and am constantly accompanied by the feeling of inadequacy.
  • At the same time I am highly sensitive; I have been more sensitive to all kinds of external stimuli since my earliest childhood. I've heard "don't be so sensitive" countless times. Today I know that my feelings are more pronounced - and that's OK.
  • I am a victim of emotional violence in a partnershipbecome. I sometimes wonder if it would have been better if he had struck once. Then maybe I would have woken up. But maybe that's just wishful thinking. Anyone who is a victim in a partnership usually blames themselves. And I searched for her so intensely that at some point I wasn't myself anymore.

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